NLN June 2024

New Life Nyambene is committed to creating a better future for some of the most disadvantaged and stigmatised children in Africa. Our mission is to rescue and rehabilitate abandoned street children in Kenya and to give them the educational opportunities that are their best chance of escaping destitution.

Martha in May

Martha, our Kenyan Project Manager, came to the UK in May.

The glory of contrasting cultures. Africa in Kent


From Martha’s experience here, she gave us these encouraging words, “There is hope for Africa – and Kenya. Reading through a few materials, I see how England has been transformed and developed through the last century and I am not depressed. I am hopeful. I have no details about how it will come about but at the heart of all is compassionate, transparent and visionary leadership.”

Engaging in fundraising opportunities

Martha is an excellent public speaker. We had great success in our visit to the offices of The Canning Trust in London, and new donors were added every time she was offered an occasion to speak. She brought reality to the desperate need in Kenya for work like ours among traumatised and abandoned street children. She was also open about how her own difficult early life has made her the leader she is today. Audiences loved her.

Careful preparations were made well in advance for the children we care for in Maua. Everything went smoothly with Patrick Munene and Purity Kagweria, our staff team, rising magnificently to the challenge and holding the fort while Martha was away.

Meeting supporters


Martha said, “Everywhere I went, I was welcomed with warmth and allowed to be myself. For this I am very grateful! This can only be because it is a lived culture among those whom I met.”

Martha also comments, “Children in the UK have the government and child protection systems to tranquilise the pain of loss, neglect or any form of abuse. So even without their birth families they have safe spaces to live and thrive.”

Meeting trustees

Martha met all the trustees, visiting or being visited by all six of us (not all pictured).

But we also made some time for sightseeing...

We are so glad she came! There are many good outcomes from this visit already apparent, and the intangible benefits will continue to impact all aspects of our work in the months and years to come.

Edinburgh seen from Inverleith Park.

The Thames flowing past the Houses of Parliament.